(Based on Psalm 23)
by Dee Mahuvawalla
Divine Love, God, is my Realtor,
I shall not be delayed, dismayed, discouraged or disappointed.
Love maketh me to dwell in comfort, safety and surety-
Without any want or woe,
Where the rivers of milk and honey flow.
Love leadeth me where I can be blessed and bless others,
Where living waters and Principle’s prompting flows.
Where all human needs are met.
And Love’s calmness and confidence is restored,
Love leadeth me in the paths,
“Which the vulture’s eyes have not seen” (Job 28:7)
Love furnishes a banquet of bounty and plenty,
Amidst gloom, doom, or scanty.
Yea, though I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of confusion, chaos, uncertainty,
I will be fearless and confident
Because God is with me.
Love’s rod directs and points the way, and parts the Red Sea,
Leading me safely into the Promise Land.
Love anointeth my head with the oil of gladness and gratitude.
Surely, Father-Mother God attracts and unites the buyer and the seller effortlessly in sync with Soul.
My tithing runneth over as I dwell in the consciousness of Love forever.
This is really quite lovely. Thank you.