Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Prayer for This Week (April 29 - May 5, 2019)

By Prayerful Living

Dear God, source of all good,
I surrender personal sense for Your will, God, omniscient Mind.
I dedicate myself to You, divine Spirit, in all I do.
I relinquish the material and see Your universal,
Soul-filled beauty all around.
I turn from evil and am renewed by You, divine Principle.
I consecrate my life to You, and am ordained by You, divine Life.
I accept Your glorious liberty as Your child, God, Truth
I affirm Your everlasting and encircling presence, omnipresent Love.
Thank you, God, I am so blessed.
And so it is, Amen.

Monday, April 29, 2019

"...go and sin no more"

By Ken G. Cooper

[John 8:3-11]

So it has finally happened
In the very act of adultery.
And now the consequence.
Marched by the scribes and Pharisees through the temple,
Jostled, spat on.  I wasn’t the only one involved.  Look at their smug faces! They look so triumphant.

We stop in front of a man talking to a crowd of people. I guess it is the Nazarene called Jesus. 
He’s become quite well known in Jerusalem. 
I wonder why they’ve brought me to him.
The scribes are now addressing him, 
Asking him to decide what should be done with me. They were demanding the fulfilment of the Mosaic penalty of stoning to death but trying to get him to give some other response.  
They’d told me what to expect, but it was evident they didn’t care about me. Yes, I was caught in the act, you reap what you sow. I’ve got no illusions. But it’s him they are after, and I feel like I am being used.

He seems to have ignored them.
Their questioning becomes aggressive, but he does not react. 
He stoops down and writes on the ground, dropping out of sight of many that were there.
Those next to him kept asking him to respond.
They urge from him a reply to their questions,
But now they don’t seem quite so sure of themselves. I hear someone call out “Where’s he gone?”
He stands up and I hear him speak for the first time:

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” 

And then I begin to feel the impact of what he has done in my own thinking.
His quiet assurance is tangible, I’ve lost all fear: it has gone in a sudden sense of trust and awe.
I look at him with fresh eye, and see absolute purity, an unselfed love that embraces everyone, yes, even those who were trying to trick and accuse him.
Just one remains. We exchange glances, but his youthful arrogance has been smitten. He also turns away, leaving Jesus and myself alone.
He stands up again, looking at me for the first time, a look of complete understanding, reading my mind.

He addresses me.

“Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?

Words spoken with such love, a love I have never known or thought possible.
It reaches into my very being, like a baptism washing me through and through.
I feel a cleansing, lifting my thoughts to a new respect for manhood and womanhood.
My answer is easy and full of reverence: “No man, Lord”.
I almost expect his reply:

“Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more.”

The desire, lust and selfishness disappear, no longer part of what I am!
I see my true self for the first time;- it’s what he is seeing! A completeness born of original purity. What he is.

I know true love.

I do as I am bidden and walk away.
I have been saved!
My heart is singing and weeping in both joy and repentance.
I have found in his command a new and wonderful pathway, 
A feeling and knowledge of wholeness.
I have witnessed what love is, - for the first time I felt God’s Love, not just for me, but for everyone. And I experience the marvellous realisation it was always there! Is always here. I had not seen it. 
No punishment required, - the past no longer part of my now, it has gone in the awareness and presence of divine love.

The curse and habits of my previous life are no longer. My life has been changed! Jesus has shown me what is true and given me a blessing for ever “Go and sin no more”.

My life redeemed, a new beginning, a new meaning, a wonderful unspoken promise in my heart of total commitment to Love.

I know the love of God and am gloriously free.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”     John 8:32

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©Ken G Cooper 2019                         
Ken G Cooper Poetry You Tube

Monday, April 22, 2019

Trust God

By Ken G. Cooper



Psalms 37: 5,7 (to : )

 Come, trust God
No case to plead.
Come, trust God:
He knows thy need.

Let go material rod,
Lean fully on thy God.
Take each step as saints have trod,
Obedient to this angel prod:
Come, trust God.

Oh, omnipresent Father,
I grasp Your hand in mine.
Oh, let me trust, of course I must,
Thy guidance so divine.

Come, trust Love.
This simple message clear:
His everlasting arms embrace
His children everywhere.

Come, listen!
Wisdom talks to thee.
This is your path, this your next step.
Trust God and you will see!

Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
in thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore;

Psalm 16:11

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©Ken G Cooper 2019                         
Ken G Cooper Poetry You Tube

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Prayer for The Week (April 15 - 21, 2019)

By Prayerful Living

Reconcile me to You, God.
Help me to realize a truer sense of Love.
I am at-one with You, God,
as Christ Jesus, the Way-shower taught.
Help me to feel the Christ within,
the Christ-consciousness which rolls away the stone
away from the door of human hope and faith.
Resurrect my thought to a clearer sense of spiritual existence,
and help me to ascend beyond all earth-bound
sorrow and suffering.
Daily I joyfully acknowledge the living Christ,
“He is risen!” in my heart.
And so it is, Amen.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Two Lives Touch at Gethsemane

By Ken G. Cooper

[Luke 22:47-51]

Malchus: A servant of the high priest,
I know what needs to be done: Obedience to Moses is a must for everyone.
I’ve heard this Jesus preaching, and he’s got some way-out views, 
His arrest and certain capture will be for us good news.

Peter: A disciple of the Nazarene, I’ve known the Lord three years
And in this time, I’ve known true joy and vanquishment of fears.
I’ve seen the miracles he’s done, together miles we’ve trod,
I really do believe he is the Christ, the Son of God.

Malchus: We’re on his trail, a multitude with staves and ready sword;
That Judas will betray him when he seeks to kiss his Lord.
I’m walking right behind him, when we reach Gethsemane,
I feel a premonition this is living history.

Peter: Jesus had been praying, I saw the heavy sweat on brow.
I wish I could support him, but I really don’t know how.
He looked so disappointed that good watch we had not kept,
I’ll recall to my dying day when needed I just slept.

Malchus: The crowd of us march through the gate and see a group of men
They look at us with great alarm, apart from one, serene.
Judas walks right up to him and gives us his signal clear,
I’m right behind and grab this man that simply shows no fear.

Peter: Jesus, look out! This multitude’s arrayed to do you harm.
How can you be so peaceful when they grab you by the arm?
I failed you when I slept so sound, this time I’ll use my sword,
I raise my weapon aim and strike, defending thus my Lord.

Malchus: I see too late this man approach, and though I weave and duck,
 I feel sharp pain and disbelief! I realize I’ve been struck!

Peter: My bloodied sword is raised again to strike down from above,
When Jesus speaks, so calm and sure, and fills the place with Love:

“Suffer ye thus far.” 

Malchus: His hand outstretched with love in thought, while mine had been to harm.
His gentle touch compassionate, I feel true love, so warm.

Peter: Now clearly seen, my anger and my selfish thoughts so wrong.
I drop my sword upon the ground, his peacefulness so strong.

Malchus: The anger melts, the pain has gone. It seems that time stands still.
He looks at me with loving eyes, at me who planned to kill!

Peter: I am amazed! The man I struck looks at the Lord with awe,
And I kneel in recognition that love, not hate, does more.

Malchus: I touch my head, my ear restored. This is no phantom healing.
 What he’s been preaching he’s just proved! True love to me revealing.
With gentleness I lead him on, his love is still around me,
I glance behind; and my heart goes out, forgiving instantly.

Peter: He looks at me with fleeting glance; I feel Christ-love reach out.
I answer back with open arms and wondrous wordless shout.
I feel a bond between us, both touched by a love so pure:
And see, with Christ, that all are one. And Love is evermore.

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©Ken G Cooper 2019                         
Ken G Cooper Poetry You Tube

Monday, April 8, 2019

A Prayerf for This Week (April 8 - 14)

By Prayerful Living

God, good, Yours is the only reality.
You are Shepherd for Your entire creation,
a “very present help in trouble.”
I say “no” to sin.
God, help me to not miss the mark in all I do.
I say “no” to disease.
God, You are the only source of healing.
Help me to realize Your divine perfection which I can only reflect.
I say “no” to death.
Help me not be “dead” in anything I do, but glorify You.
God, allness of Life divine,
Help me to awake out of the mortal dream of all false belief,
and shine with the light of knowledge of You, God.
And so it is. Amen.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Parent's Revelation (Peter's Wife's Mother)

By Ken G. Cooper

I’ve heard a lot about this person Jesus.
Peter’s bringing him home tonight, - he’s talked about no one else ever since he met him.
I’ll never understand Peter. He’s so impetuous!
Jesus said “Follow me” – or something to that effect, - and Peter did exactly that!
Never said “Goodbye”.
Nothing Peter does surprises me….but he’s got a heart of gold and I love him.

I’ll see them both tonight.
I wonder what he’s like, this Jesus.
Peter thinks he’s really special, - but he only comes from Nazareth.
Apparently he was a carpenter, - so what can he teach a fisherman??
There have been crowds following his new friend, -
He’s been healing people of all kinds of diseases, - Peter can scarcely believe what he’s seeing.
Keeps talking about him, about praying to “Our Father!”,  “Doing unto others what you’d have them do to you”
I hope he’s not being tricked by all this talk and seeming miracles. I’m not going to be.

My daughter has planned a special meal for Peter and his friends, - we won’t let Peter down.
She’ll need my help. But I don’t feel well…….need to lie down…
Can hardly move…
Must get to bed….
Don’t want to be a nuisance…

“Hello Peter….I’m so sorry
…… to be like this….
Hello Jesus…”

I look at his friend. He looks at me.
In one brief instant I forget myself, my doubts, my concerns for Peter.
How can I describe the Love that radiates from this man?
The complete knowledge of infinite power,
Infinite tenderness,
Expressed in his very being,
The effortless outreach of his hand to mine,
Lifting me up.

I am healed!
And I can’t now remember that anything was ever wrong! I just go and help, and with such joy!

During the next few days I see other people healed, completely, all instantaneously.
Jesus is saying to the crowds, to each one of us, here’s how to pray:
“Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name…” **
I feel the ever-present warmth and vibrancy of God’s love whenever I am near him.
I can feel the everlasting kindness of God right now.
I behold for the first time God’s true family. His Love embraces and includes us all. And it is my family too.

And suddenly realise that I love Peter, I love everyone, more than I ever did before.

(see *Mark 1:30-34; 3:31-35, and **Matthew 6:9 )

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©Ken G Cooper 2019                         
Ken G Cooper Poetry You Tube

Mary of Bethany: Revelation

By Ken G. Cooper

(John 11)

Lazarus was ill.  Martha and I soon realised it wasn’t just some passing ailment but actually life threatening. If only we could tell Jesus for we believed he could heal him from wherever he was at the time, but we dared not leave Lazarus, we wanted and needed to be together. We knew Jesus well, - he often stayed with us in Bethany, - we were barely two miles from Jerusalem, and on his visits there he would always drop by. He loved Lazarus so much, as indeed he loved us.
The Passover was due, and we knew Jesus would be coming down from Galilee. We sought a friend that could go and meet him on his way down to Jerusalem.  As soon as he had gone Lazarus grew worse, and we prayed so much that Jesus would heal him the moment he was told of his need. Alas, he was too late, for our dear brother died in our arms. Two days later our friend returned, confirmed he had told the Master, but Jesus had not come back with him. It was too late now anyway.
In times of grief no tears can replace the finality of death, no matter how many are shed. So many friends came around, their comfort was genuine, for our family was much loved. Four days passed but not the pain. We so wanted Jesus to be with us, he would understand, his love would lift us.
Word came that Jesus was at last approaching. I was too sad to leave the house, but Martha went. She returned, saying quietly to me that Jesus had asked to see me in the place where he had met with her.  I wrapped a cloak around me and we went together, - but the mourners had seen us leave and all followed, assuming we were going to the grave.
How to describe that short walk! My thoughts so full of sadness, despair, so many questions, - still the constant “Why? Why? Why?” I kept searching the horizon, and finally saw him with his disciples. As we got nearer he looked at me, his arms outstretched in love.  When I reached him, I fell down at his feet, my tears uncontrollable, my thoughts confused and accusatory “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.”
Jesus looked down at me, at the other mourners, and simply asked “Where have you laid him?”  The mourners with us said they would show him, tears and cries echoing round.
Jesus wept.
I’d never seen him so affected. I felt his love and compassion, but also amidst my tears the sudden wonderment that his sorrow was for our lack of understanding, our lack of faith. He reached down to me and took me by both hands, lifting me up, squeezing my hands with assurance. Oh, dear friends, he still had that air of authority, - he was so at one with his Father even now. I didn’t know what to expect, - what could he do?  How could he give me that look of assurance when Lazarus was dead? He walked with us to the grave. We stood at the memorial.
“Take ye away the stone.”
Martha recoiled, sharing her concern, fearful for the smell of Lazarus four days incarcerated in the stone tomb: he was dead, four days dead, and that was surely it. She was, as ever, making herself responsible for all the practicalities, - she was looking round at everyone hiding her grief through enforced activity. He responded to her, but my heart leapt with his words: “Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” Yes, I thought, his tears had been for us and not for Lazarus! He was always just seeing the glory of God, had never feared for Lazarus! But it was us that saw him die.
The heavy stone was moved away from the entrance to the tomb. Despite the heat of the day, the random insects hovering in the air, there was no smell, no sudden gathering of flies. Just an empty black tomb.  All eyes turned to Jesus.
I was next to him, feeling his calm, aware of his natural authority. Watching. I had stopped weeping, somehow just knowing that something special was about to happen. He held his hands aloft in prayer, lifted his eyes to heaven, and spoke: Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard me”. He was giving gratitude to God! Why? What had he seen that we hadn’t? What had he asked of God? “And I knew that Thou hearest me always:” What a statement of truth, simply acknowledging his natural communion with his heavenly Father, what comfort that must ever bring! Was it true just for him or for all of us? “but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that Thou hast sent me.” Again, that ready and so simple fact, - he has been sent from God for us and he had a mission to fulfil.
A feeling of Love swept over everyone gathered there, - Love that contained within it the essence of Life.  It was the presence of God made manifest. It just seemed so natural when Jesus cried out with a loud voice: “Lazarus, come forth.”
His command was as simple as though Lazarus had just been hiding in the tomb and it was time he came out to greet everyone. There were gasps and cries of amazement. Everyone looked at one another in disbelief at this command. Then Lazarus emerged, just came out, still bound with graveclothes but moving out and towards us, his face hidden by a napkin. The incredible was happening! Further cries of amazement! When you see the seeming impossible, everything seems to stop, time stands still. But I knew deep within it was going to happen. Everything Jesus had ever said to me suddenly seemed so relevant and true.
“Loose him and let him go.”
Martha was there first, immediately by his side, unwinding the linen cloths, embracing him as soon as he was free. I ran too, joyously helping, as was Lazarus, to throw off the cloths, - his face shining and smiling and just looking with amazement at all around him. He was formed anew, - no evidence of the illness, just his old loving self! Hugging and kissing, kissing and hugging, Martha, Lazarus and I together again!
I turned back to Jesus, fresh tears in my eyes, but oh such happy ones! While the others gathered round Lazarus, asking questions, oh so many questions, I walked back to where Jesus was standing and looked into his eyes. We were at one, as though in another world. His look was of such love, and we spoke quietly. I saw for the first time his absolute humility, his complete unity with God, felt our unity with God. I remembered his words earlier “Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard me”, and I felt that presence of God even more closely, recognised that life was part of what we are in God - that in Jesus’ eyes Lazarus had never died, had never been separate from God. He looked at me, saw my true life at one with his Father, and yes, I saw it too. There was no separation. Here was the Master, the promised Messiah. He had had no need to hurry back to us because he understood Lazarus had always been well. His command “Loose him and let him go” had new meaning, - loose him from all mortal thought, see him as he is, and he will be free. It also applied to me, how I thought about myself!
I looked round again and saw Lazarus, Martha, and all our friends just so happy!
My tears were no more, my inner peace complete. The four days of utter grief now vanished in the triumph of renewed life, a recognition that had Jesus healed Lazarus sooner the miracle would have been just one of many. But this! After four days!
The absolute proof to all of us that life is eternal!
 God and man are one! 

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©Ken G Cooper 2019                         
Ken G Cooper Poetry You Tube

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Prayer for This Week (April 1 - 7, 2019)

By Prayerful Living

Divine Presence, Your guidance keeps me on the holy way.
Help me to avoid the contradictions of human sense.
God, You are faithful and just, help me to be faithful and just in my daily activities.
God, I long to realize Your reality more each day, not falling for the unreality of the material.
God, creator of all good, there is no power apposed to You. Let me not fall for the Adam dream.
Divine Mind, immortal, You are the only cause. I can only reflect Your perfection.
Divine Principle, your guiding law is written in my heart. Through you I resist material law and the hypnosis of false beliefs.
God, keep me on the path of joy.
Help me to feel Your ever presence. Through Christ I know there is no separation.
God, You are Life, Truth and Love. You alone create and control me and all humanity.
I am so grateful for the growing knowledge of Your spiritual reality.
And so it is. Amen.


By Ken G. Cooper

In my dream I was flying, - soaring o’er houses, fields.
I was in my motorcar, sunroof open, free, just like a bird.
I sped past a pterodactyl large wings flapping lazily,
Accelerated and flashed round the moon quite crazily!
A hundred thousand miles I must have flown:
New horizons skimmed and strangely known! 
It was very real while quite absurd. 
But when I awoke, no news to you,
It simply wasn’t ever true! 

In my dream I was sick and diseased, suffering long.
I was in this body, a material shell of strange substance.
It responded to my thought, the fear of age,
That wrapped me round just like a cage.
Mortal belief it took control
And told me I was far from whole.
It led me quite a merry dance.
But when I awoke, no news to you,
It simply wasn’t ever true! 

In my dream I was sinning, I knew I was doing wrong:
Beelzebub had led me there, and that was my defence.
It enticed other people, whether they knew or not,
I didn’t care, for sin fulfilled my selfish plot.
I felt that somehow in the main 
That by this sinning I could gain.
So, at the time it made great sense.
But when I awoke, no news to you,
It simply wasn’t ever true! 

And now awake, wide-eyed, alert, I know myself immortal.
The dream not me! Great freedom feel, - I am what God does give!
 Pursue the good! Hold fast the true! They can never fade,
For everything is perfect and stamped: “In Heaven Made.”
There’s laughter, joy, and Love all round,
As perfect life secures good ground.
I know this fact: in Love I live!
And wide-awake, no news to you,
Reality is all that’s true!  

Gen 1:27 God created man
     God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen 2:21 (to :)
     And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept:
Rom 13:11 now it
     now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Matthew 5:48
     Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

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©Ken G Cooper 2019                         
Ken G Cooper Poetry You Tube