Tuesday, April 2, 2019


By Ken G. Cooper

In my dream I was flying, - soaring o’er houses, fields.
I was in my motorcar, sunroof open, free, just like a bird.
I sped past a pterodactyl large wings flapping lazily,
Accelerated and flashed round the moon quite crazily!
A hundred thousand miles I must have flown:
New horizons skimmed and strangely known! 
It was very real while quite absurd. 
But when I awoke, no news to you,
It simply wasn’t ever true! 

In my dream I was sick and diseased, suffering long.
I was in this body, a material shell of strange substance.
It responded to my thought, the fear of age,
That wrapped me round just like a cage.
Mortal belief it took control
And told me I was far from whole.
It led me quite a merry dance.
But when I awoke, no news to you,
It simply wasn’t ever true! 

In my dream I was sinning, I knew I was doing wrong:
Beelzebub had led me there, and that was my defence.
It enticed other people, whether they knew or not,
I didn’t care, for sin fulfilled my selfish plot.
I felt that somehow in the main 
That by this sinning I could gain.
So, at the time it made great sense.
But when I awoke, no news to you,
It simply wasn’t ever true! 

And now awake, wide-eyed, alert, I know myself immortal.
The dream not me! Great freedom feel, - I am what God does give!
 Pursue the good! Hold fast the true! They can never fade,
For everything is perfect and stamped: “In Heaven Made.”
There’s laughter, joy, and Love all round,
As perfect life secures good ground.
I know this fact: in Love I live!
And wide-awake, no news to you,
Reality is all that’s true!  

Gen 1:27 God created man
     God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen 2:21 (to :)
     And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept:
Rom 13:11 now it
     now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Matthew 5:48
     Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

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©Ken G Cooper 2019                         
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