By Ken G. Cooper
`The desert is hot, the
sheep make no sound
As heat shimmers up from the stony ground.
I search the horizon for food to share
To look after the flock left in my care.
I think about God as I cross the land,
And I feel the strength of His outstretched hand.
And deep in my heart this question does grow:
“If God calls me, am I willing to go?”
A bush in the distance catches my gaze,
It’s somehow caught fire in
the heat haze.
The flames are fierce, but the bush does not burn!
Is there something here that I have to learn?
I turn aside to get near this strange sight.
It seems lit with Love, untouched, shining bright!
I can't believe the vision I'm
A lurking fear runs through my whole being.
From the midst of the bush, and not from the sky,
My name is called twice. I respond: “Here am I”.
The voice of my God echoes all around:
“The place you are standing is Holy ground”
I must shed my shoes from off both my feet
And stand in humility, God to greet.
I hide my face as I feel awe and fear,
For His speaking to me is close and clear.
He unveils the task that I must accept,
But it is too great and I feel inept.
“Just who am I that should do such a thing, -
To the children of Israel freedom bring?”
Then comes His promise of God at my side,
A token of good: that God will not hide.
I hear His reply “I AM THAT I AM.”
I feel the assurance: with
God I can!
Given my orders, I must now obey,
But who will believe what I have to say?
I cast it, as bidden, onto the sod.
Aghast I see it turn into a snake!
I flee from before it, - no dream, - I’m awake!!
God tells me to take it back by its tail:
So I tackle my fears, and all is well.
The serpent that frightened
me is no more.
For it never was. Of that I’m
now sure.
will they believe? There is one
more test.
God tells me “Place your hand inside your breast!”
I pull it out and it’s leprous as snow,
But this dread disease has no place to go!
I return my hand once more to my side, -
And pluck it out cleansed. Illusion
God speaks yet again, what more do I need?
And still my doubts show, once more do I plead.
I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue
I’m sure to be laughed at by everyone!
His calm assurance once more wins the day:
God will be with me each step of the way.
“And Moses
was an hundred and twenty years
old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.” Deuteronomy
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou
shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy might.” Deuteronomy 6:4,5