Monday, July 1, 2019

A Prayer For This Week (July 1 - 7, 2019)

By Prayerful Living

God, You are the one and only Lord, the true God, forever near, omnipresent.
Oh, that my prayer can even begin to express Your greatness.
You are the great I AM, infinite, omnipotent, all powerful, divine Principle.
Divine Soul, Your uni-verse is one song, harmonious, all good, beautiful, majestic.
Divine Spirit, You are all-knowing, understanding all things, omniscient.
Divine Truth, You are all-seeing. Your truth is the victory.
Divine Life, You are all-acting, the only creator, the only cause.
Everything in the universe expresses You, praises You.
Divine Mind, You are all-wise. I give thanks for Your infinite wisdom.
Divine Love, You are all-loving. I feel the radiance of Your steadfast love, embracing all.
Gratefully, I am Your reflection, Your servant and witness.
You are the Eternal, and I will glorify and honor You for ever and ever.
And so it is, Amen.

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